The Music Class®

The Music Class® is a research-based music program for children 0-4 years. The benefits of music education are many, including improving brain plasticity, social skills, and parent/child connections. Classes are playful and interactive, full of singing, movement, and instrumental activities. Designed to help students develop their pitch and rhythm skills and become more responsive to music in general.

Class Fee: $125.00 / 7-week session (cost is per family)

Tuesdays @ 10:00 am

Fall: Dinosaur begins October 22 – December 3
Winter: Tiger begins January 14
Spring: Pony begins March 4


Sunrise® Preschool Music Class

MYC® Sunrise® is a pre-keyboard music and movement class designed for 2.5-3-year-olds along with their parent or guardian. The natural energy and music these children have within them is amazing. They are generally constantly singing, moving to a rhythm or beat and always ready to move! Sunrise® is an exciting and innovative preschool music and movement program with a flexible format that fits the level of development of these children perfectly.

Our Teddy Bears help teach the children rhythms and puppet friends Buzz, Buddy, and Mellow guide children on their musical journey and instruction with winging, and ear training. Our child-centred curriculum includes stories, songs, and games to ensure that all children feel and achieve a high level of engagement and success.

Each block is 10 weeks in length. Each block builds upon the last, so as the child’s foundation in singing, rhythm, and ear training builds and grows, so does the curriculum.

Cost: $225 per block (10 weeks) includes workbook, Sunrise® backpack, finger puppet, ensemble instrument.

Winter Dates: Thursday Mornings from 9:15 am – 10:00 am starting January 9th